Thursday, August 7, 2014

Are you ready to Make this the day that your life will change for good?

There seems to be a lot of confusion and anxiety that is causing very real and damaging financial crisis for many people today.  Could it be that 90% of even Bible believing people are heading for retirement years of dependency and lack because they have not understood and planned their lives around the truth Moses wrote in Deuteronomy 8:18 and Solomon wrote in Proverbs 8:18?

For those who will receive it, the keys to a greater life of effective and profitable service to our Maker are often so simple that we over-complicate it.  It could start with some of the nuggets relayed in this empowering little article.

Are you ready to Make this the day that your life will change for good?

Adapted by Dennis Petersen from an article by Chris Widener

How many people do you know who wish for a better life but never seem to do much to change it?  It seems to be natural for almost everybody to desire a better life.  But is their desire matched with effort to do anything about it?

No matter where we are in life we tend to at least have fleeting dreams of a better place.  I suppose some would think that is a good quality, but is it really?

It might seem good to have a dream that we can see far off of a better situation for us, our families and our businesses and communities.  But is this really a good mindset to maintain?  What good is a dream if it is not progressing toward reality?

A lot of people give up dreaming for this very reason… There is no progress in reality toward the dream.  A dream can make you feel good, but long term, if you don’t actively pursue it and make it a reality, the dream will cause you more frustration than anything.

But there is a good reason to have hope!  I’m talking about the day your life really changes…the day that your dream starts to become a reality, and not
some pie-in-the-sky wish. Imagine a day that literally turns your life around for you – a day that things begin to get better and you begin to fulfill your purpose, your mission and your destiny!

When is this day?  It’s the day you make a decision!  It’s the day you say “enough is enough; I’ve had it.”  When will you get serious about changing your future?

What is the simplest key to your life changing turning point?

The simplest key to changing your life is to make a decision, and then to act upon it. Once you start taking action and follow-through consistently until your dream becomes a reality… THAT is the day when your decision is etched on your doorpost to face you every day from now on.  Life will begin to change for you.

So the decision is the key? Yes, it is. Every dream begins as a thought. What is yours?  You might have to start with the reality that you were born to be a producer… to be productive… to be more than you are now by applying your desire to your circumstances and look for opportunities to make the money it takes to reach the things you dream about.  Yes, that’s right… it takes money and money is yours to create as you find ways to provide value for others around you. 

So how do you create the financial resources to achieve your goals?

But you know right well that to have the financial independence to accomplish the dreams you have is going to take more than ‘making a living.’  So why not work in your part time hours to create the means to allow you to have money working for you rather than you being a slave to money?

You may as well face the reality that to do that you have to learn to master your time and your skills so you can OWN your own business.  And that doesn’t mean that you have to be a slave to a business that really ‘owns’ you.  Why not find out how to take control of being a producer who is using the right tools to create wealth?

What must happen to turn the 'key' of business ownership for you?

You say: “I would love to have my own business.  I’d love to be free to run my life and earn as much money as I want so I can go where I want and help others as I truly want and experience a full life of being more of what I was created to accomplish.  Sounds like a good dream wouldn’t you say?  It’s probably a dream that a lot of people have and may be afraid to say for fear of being put down. But just because you have a little electrical impulse bouncing around inside your head, does that do you any good?

The dream only has genuine value to you or others if it is translated into action!  And it only takes on action if we make a decision to form a ‘blueprint’ or ‘map’ of action.

Let’s sort out a simple plan.  What are the decisions to be made here?  Well, one might be to quit wasting your off-work hours on activities that are not investing in your future.  I’m not suggesting you quit your job.  Not yet.  But you do need to realize that you are in business for yourself and your job (if you are employed or if you own a small business) is part of your ‘roadmap’ to your future.  Another part of your roadmap is how you decide to invest some time into building systems that will allow you to have financial freedom. 

What's the unique difference in being a business Owner/CEO?

Once you have built up a profitable part time business that truly leverages your time by using proven business systems to expand your prosperity so you are producing more than just ‘a living’ then maybe you will consider quitting your job.  But in the meantime, figure out how to make your expenses match the income from your job.  If you are determined to eliminate the things that waste your private time and invest 10 to 20 hours a week into a proven business system with a trustworthy business team, then it won’t be long before you will create a vision for goals that can accomplish your dreams.  Of course you must be coachable and self controlled with your new and increasing extra income.  You will start thinking like a successful owner of “You, Inc.”

As you learn more about how to grow your business, you will discover new disciplines that produce new rewards.  You will have to decide what you must do to make your dream a reality.  You must make better choices of how you spend your time, who you spend your time with and what you feed your mind.  Then you must act upon those decisions. If you do not act, your dream remains nothing more than a pipe dream – a non-reality.

When you have acted, you must follow through. Continue to follow your plan, day by day, moving your dream to fulfillment. Here is a practical exercise to get you moving:
       What is your dream? It could be in any area of life: Work, family, finances, health etc.
       What is a decision you have to make to get yourself MOVING in the right direction? This should be action–oriented, not philosophical in nature. For example, it should be "I am going to invest the time and resources needed to start my new business on March 1st," not "I’ve decided that being in business for myself would be more fulfilling." That is an idea, not a decision.
       Next, pick a day you are going to do it. Pick a time. Be specific.
       Next, do it!  Commit to your business mentor that you will do what it takes and stay accountable.
       Next, begin the process of continually following through.
       Next, enjoy yourself; you are pursuing your dream! It may be hard, but it will also be the most fulfilling and rewarding time of your life!

"The history of free men is not written by chance, but by choice; their choice." Dwight D. Eisenhower

Decide, act and follow through. The day you do will be the day you change your life for good!

“In all labor there is profit, But mere talk leads only to poverty.”  
Proverbs 14:23 (NASB) 

“the hand of the diligent makes rich.” Proverbs 10:4

“make it your ambition to lead a quiet life…(at) your own business…work(ing) with your own hands (i.e. with what God gave you to prosper).” 1 Thes.4:11

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